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Expecting Parents

Financial Policy



  • It is important that you understand that your insurance coverage is a contract between you and your insurance company and that we are not a party to this contract. You are therefore ultimately responsible for the timely payment of your account.
  • If you are required to designate a primary care physician you must make sure our name and phone number appears on your insurance card. Failure to do so may leave you financially responsible for your visit.
  • Valley of the Sun Pediatrics has registered with most major insurance companies that provide health insurance in Arizona to ensure our patients can be served effectively.  Due to the complexity and differences of each plan, we ask for your cooperation so that we may better serve your family.  You are responsible to know the details of your plan, for example, covered services and participating laboratories.  Not all plans cover annual healthy (well) physicals or sports physicals.  Vision and Hearing screens may not be covered.  Also, for children younger than 2 years of age there may be a limit on the number of allowable well visits per year.   You will be responsible for payment for uncovered visits.  Please be aware that an authorization from your insurance company for treatment is not a guarantee of payment. If the insurance company that you designate is incorrect, you will be responsible for payment of the visit and to submit the charges to the correct plan. Learn more about the insurance companies we are currently contracted with.

When payment is due

  • Payment is required at each visit.  This may include deductibles, co-payment, percentage, or payment in full. If you are waiting for coverage to become effective or have no insurance, payment in full will be required at the time of the visit. For your convenience, we accept Visa or Master Card. You may pay your bill over the phone, or by mail.

Cash patients

  • If you have no insurance, payment for an office visit is to be paid at the time of the visit. Please ask us about our cash pay fees.
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